Friday, December 31, 2010

Faithful Dilligence

I remember being a child and watching my mom do all the mom things and wonder how I would ever learn to do all of that.  How do you know when to call the doctor? I'm still not sure of that one, bad example.  What number do you call to switch your kids school, how do I drive, or even make more than toast for dinner?  Its a good thing we learn along the way.  I didn't learn all of this at once, but rather in small steps. 

Things are no different in our relationship with God.  Oswald Chambers has a quote that loosely says, God will not reveal more of Himself until we have been faithful and obedient with what He has already shown us or asked of us.  I wasn't able to get my drivers license until I could prove faithful and obedient with my learners permit.  My mom didn't let me cook on the stove until I showed responsibility with the toaster.  God will not give you more until you have shown that you are ready.  He knows what we can handle and what would be entirely too overwhelming for us.  Thank God for that! 

If you feel like God is not giving you more, take a step back and ask yourself again what He has asked you to do, or ask Him again if you've forgotten or lost sight of it.  He'll illuminate the path and give clear direction.  Maybe not the entire map, but at least a piece.  Our job is to love first, and obey, beyond that, its not our job.  We need to make sure we are doing what God has called us to do, be faithful in that, and let Him handle the rest.  That takes so much pressure off when you know the entire universe isn't on your shoulders.  This alone will give you the freedom to love and to do what God has called of you.

Sometimes this is a slow process.  The other day my son wanted me to measure his height.  He was the same, 47 3/4" that he was in November.  "Mom, I thought I grew every night?" he said with disappointment.  "You do, Jack, but sometimes its very slow." I replied.  And so it is with us.  Sometimes I feel like I'm standing still, barley moving in my relationship with God.  But before long, I'll look back and see myself miles from where I started.  God moves us at just the right speed.  Be at peace with the pace, and faithful to the call.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010


"The road to Hell is paved with good intentions" was an old adage I learned in High School.  Maybe you've heard of it.  But I don't entirely agree with it.  Words and actions even in the best of intentions are easily mis-conveyed, misunderstood, and misleading.  The Internet has poured the gasoline of misunderstanding all over the written word.  Its hard to tell a person's real intent when you aren't hearing their voice, or seeing their face; eye to eye contact goes a long way in a conversation. 

I believe it all goes back to the heart.  If we know someones heart, it is easier to discern their intentions.  We sometimes don't understand the things God allows in our life, or the things He asks us to do, but if we remember His heart is good, then He will not fail us or ask us to do something without protection or a plan.  This should be the same in our relationships with other Christians.

I know sometimes someone will say something to me, and it might sting a little.  I have to take that, let the Holy Spirit wind blow on the open wound and show me what to do with this hurt.  Do I take offence and run with it, pouring on the sorrow, and eating a tub of ice cream with it?  Or do I use the Holy Spirit to discern the heart of the message and messenger?  This latter option will take me much farther in my maturity with Christ and my relationships with people and allow me to learn so much more.

 We need to be able to take criticism without hurt, we need to be able to not take offence for things that were not said out of condemnation.  Sometimes our past hurts will turn warm words of love into hurling insults.  The devil knows all bout your pains and will use any circumstance to put you right back in them. 

In the same token, when we approach people we need to keep in mind that we are to encourage and edify, and correction without love is condemnation.  No man can tie you to your sin, God hasn't given that authority to any man.  We are to gently steer, pray for, and love each other.  We were created as relational beings, offence and misunderstanding are the great isolators.  And that is exactly where the devil wants you to be, alone.  An easy target on the fence post. 

There is a great story about this in 2 Corinthians 2.  Paul talks to the Corinthians about what to do with the hurts of correction.  Its not always easy, but sometimes it is nessesary. 

Thursday, December 23, 2010

The Truer Story

My hearts longing has been to find the true romance between me and my maker.  I know I'm supposed to be the bride of Christ, but I have no idea what that means, and my heart longs to know its purpose and to feel loved like I desire to be, to be truly loved like no human can offer.  I've begun reading "The Sacred Romance" and it is revealing things of this nature.

John and Brent write out a beautiful story, reminding us that God is the main character in this spiritual reality, not just a puppet master, or an author writing  the story from a safe throne of power.  In order for us to know God's true heart, we have to realize that He is the main character.  He didn't create us to have ultimate power over another, or even to love another, for as they say "God already has love happening within him and the Trinity."  He made us to share the joy He has.  He wants to share Joy with us. 

There is a phrase in Jeremiah where God asks "What have I done for you to hate me so much?"   This breaks my heart, knowing that we can cause God so much pain and anguish, espcecailly when He has done nothing to cause such a reaction.  So then why are so many of us so hurt and so full of discord for our God? The devil has told us that we are the center of it all.  He wants us to take focus of the Joy of Jesus, and put ourselves at the center of the universe.  As soon as we do that, we have lost the joy set before us.  We then begin to see God as a ruling power, and not a king of grace and joy.  God's heart is good and is fighting for us.

For hundreds of years people have been intentionally turning their faces from God, thinking that He is just the author and ultimate power hurling down punishment from His thrown.  The very ones God created for love and joy are the source of so much pain for Him.  That was a risk He was willing to take for the chance to get to truly love and share a romance with us.  Love and romance can not be forced, and we do not worship a God who forces himself upon us, He romances us.

He is constantly wooing you, trying to show you His heart towards you.  Jesus wanted to come from Heaven, He wanted to leave His "King hood" to come and rescue the humble maiden.  His heart is for YOU, He risks it all, He gives it all, He opens it all for you.  For the chance that you will recognize Him, that you will receive the gift of true love He has already paid for.

Friday, December 17, 2010

Failure with Hope

Ug, you know that hopeless feeling you get when you know you've said something wrong?  Now the words are out, the hurts are done and you can't take it back.  All you can do is apologize, pray, and try to let Jesus take it from your sack of burdens.  But the fact that something I've done, completely unintentionally, has wounded and has brought condemnation sits in the back of my mind, eating at me.  I know that is not what I've been called to.  God called me to encourage, to bring forth life and purpose the way He sees it. 

I've been reading in Ephesians, I love Paul.  I feel like he knows me, and I know him.  I'm so glad he was obedient to God and wrote such encouragement to the body of Christ.  I was reading out of Chapter 3 in the message, verses 8-13 especially, but all of it is so encouraging to me today.

8-10)And so here I am, preaching and writing about things that are way over my head, the inexhaustible riches and generosity of Christ. My task is to bring out in the open and make plain what God, who created all this in the first place, has been doing in secret and behind the scenes all along. Through followers of Jesus like yourselves gathered in churches, this extraordinary plan of God is becoming known and talked about even among the angels!

11-13)All this is proceeding along lines planned all along by God and then executed in Christ Jesus. When we trust in him, we're free to say whatever needs to be said, bold to go wherever we need to go. So don't let my present trouble on your behalf get you down. Be proud!

14-19My response is to get down on my knees before the Father, this magnificent Father who parcels out all heaven and earth. I ask him to strengthen you by his Spirit—not a brute strength but a glorious inner strength—that Christ will live in you as you open the door and invite him in. And I ask him that with both feet planted firmly on love, you'll be able to take in with all followers of Jesus the extravagant dimensions of Christ's love. Reach out and experience the breadth! Test its length! Plumb the depths! Rise to the heights! Live full lives, full in the fullness of God.

I often feel like I'm sharing things I don't even completely grasp.  I don't have the full knowledge of God's love, His healing power, or even His intentions for my life, and here I am, called to encourage all of you when I don't even know.  I'm human, I fall, I fail, I'm flailing, like a fish out of water.  This place isn't comfortable, and I know I'm not perfect.  Thankfully verse 11-13 reminds me, that when I'm trusting Jesus, I have the freedom to speak His heart and Jesus' voice.  I need to be bold and speak the truth.  I will not stop speaking His heart, I will not fear the words in my heart.  For I know that when I'm in God's hands, I will excel more then I fail, I will do more good than harm. 

My hope is then when others see me fail, they will also see how I overcome it.  My prayer is that I handle it with grace and mercy from God.  I will apologize for my shortcomings, knowing that I'm human, and I will not except condemnation from the devil.  I will brush off the dirt, and keep walking, my head high, my heart filled with grace from God, ready to move where He leads.  Because God can even use my faults to minister to others.  He works everything for our good.  Whatever circumstance I find myself in, I will give it wholly to Christ, knowing He is growing me through each experience and praying that He also grows His body.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Be Here Now

Sometimes I feel like Paul.  Writing letters to the church from a prison cell.  Now, I know my home should be a place of refuge and joy, but sometimes it feels like I'm stuck here, in a prison, and I'm trying to escape.  Don't get me wrong, I love my journey through motherhood and all that God has given me, but I also struggle with the mundane daily grind, the screams of unhappy children, the unrelenting task of cleaning up after everyone.  I fall short, and I don't always ask God to carry the burdens I feel, I forget that He has already given me everything I need to continue on with this assignment, so instead I try to escape.  I find myself, far too often, hiding in front of the computer, trying to escape to a little bit of the outside world, I still sometimes slip up and use food to quench my frustration, I yell at the children God has given me, I get busy with cleaning and I sometimes just throw my hands up and give up with eyes full of tears.  This is probably the best of all of them, when I realize that I can't do anything and I give it up to God.  Unfortunately, I don't always do this first.  I try to find ways to take care of it on my own.

Whatever is going on in that moment is my opportunity to share what God has given me to share.  If its a crying child, I need to be the love of Jesus, show compassion and tenderness; if its daily cleaning, I need to remember this is a blessing to my family to care for them.  I need to be present, I need to be there, whatever it is.  I can't escape and try to run from my duty.  I have one life to live, I don't want to cheat anyone out of the blessing God has sent me to give.  Being present in each moment is the most precious gift I can give to anyone.  I have a role to play that isn't replaceable by anyone else.  You have a part that I can not play, we have to stand up and take our place, we need to be here now! 

If you find yourself distracted by daily tasks, remind yourself to live in each moment.  What is more important right now?  Are the dishes more important than spending time with the ones you love, does it have to be done now?  I'm not saying be lazy, don't clean, or don't take care of yourself or essential tasks, but I'm realizing the devil has used distraction and the need for perfection to pull me away from what God has called me to do.  Make sure your life has balance and God is the weight that stabilizes you, make sure you are present, walk through every door God opens, and don't pass up the opportunity to be here now!

Ephesians 5:15-17
Therefore be careful how you walk, not as unwise men but as wise, making the most of your time, because the days are evil.  So then do not be foolish, but understand what the will of the Lord is.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Anticipation and Disapointments

As Christmas is here I can't help but be full of anticipation.  I get so excited thinking about my families faces when they open their gifts, the time with family, and of course the Christmas goodies.  But I can also be a very synical person.  I remember as a child, Christmas very rarely lived up to the expectation.  I always felt a little disappointed after all the presents were opened.  To this day, I have to take my tree down the day after Christmas.  Not because I don't like it, I love the lights and colors, but because it reminds me that its over.  The joy and anticipation is over, a haunting reminder of how the holiday fell short of my expectation.

This is, in a lot of ways, how we come before God with our anticipation.  We come expecting!  I've talked about his before.  But what are we expecting, Lights, Show, Action?  God's plans don't always come they way we expect them to, which can leave us very disappointed in the outcome.  People will fail and not put up their share of the bargain, leaving God to go to "plan B", even though He already knew that's what was going to happen anyway.  God always has a plan A, what is best for us; but if we aren't obedient, He can only use what we or others are willing to give Him.  Look at the Israelites, the promised land wasn't far from Egypt, they could have been there within a few days or maybe weeks.  But since they weren't obedient, they were left pining for forty YEARS!!!  This would bring some disappointment to your expectation of a promise, wouldn't it? 

When God doesn't work the plans for us in the way we expected Him to we end up disappointed and thinking he has failed us or He didn't come through for you.  This is far from truth.  God's heart has what is best for you, even when people fail you.  He knows how others will treat you, He hates to see you hurt, and He is constantly working things out for good on your behalf.  He can use the hurts that others throw on you out of disobedience to shape you, draw you closer, and strengthen you.

Of course we hope for the best, we have to.  Without hope we have nothing to live for, but we have to remember we live far from Eden and the perfection of Heaven.  We need to hold our expectations loosely and allow God to do what is best.  When we take our anticipation and our expectations and let God hold it along with our hearts, walking along with my God allows me to take anything that comes my way, knowing that He has my heart in His hands, anticipating a journey of joy,  but not always of happiness.  Expecting He will come through for me teaching and holding me along the way.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Why Do You Love?

I was casually looking through the "Sacred Romance" workbook by Eldredge and Curtis, there are little excerpts from other authors and little "windows" they call them to inspire thought on God.  As I was reading an idea was sparked.  "Hey, those 'windows' really work."

We all know God is supposed to be the most important thing, the first commandment it to Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, and mind.  And I know we've all felt that we don't follow through with our part of the bargain.  I remember as a child thinking " I love my mom WAY more than I love God."  I was scared that by loving my mom more, who was real and tangible, would send me to Hell.  When I got married, I thought it was impossible to ever love my God more than my husband, or my first born child.  How can the love for God be as real and tangible as a person you can feel, touch, and speak audibly with?  I'm now beginning to touch the surface of this kind of love, which is so deep I don't think I'll ever be able to wrap my human heart around it.

Why do you love those people?  Everything you love about anyone is what Jesus is.  I love my mom because she cares for me, loves me unconditionally, she disciplined me when I needed it, she was my life source.  I love my husband because he makes me feel beautiful, he brings out the beauty God created in me, he romances me, he excites me and invites me into an adventure bigger than myself.  I love my children because they are mine, they look at me with dependence, with love, and that I am the center of their universe, and they accept me no matter what I look like without makeup and a shower. 

Now, why do you love Jesus, what is he to you?  I love Jesus because he invites me to beauty, He draws me into love that is unconditional, He disciplines with love and not condemnation, He is my life source, He is the source of all adventure, I am His, I am dependant on Him, and still, I am the center of His universe.  Everything He did was for us!  Remember, we were the joy set before Him that enabled Him to endure the cross!(Hebrews 12:2) 

If you are having a hard time loving some abstract thought of a savior, think of why you love who you do, because all that you cling to, and all that you love on this Earth, is everything that Jesus is and it is everything He has already offered for you.

Monday, December 6, 2010

The Joy Set Before Him

 Hebrews 12:2  ...For the joy set before him(Jesus) he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.

For the joy set before Him, He endured the cross.  That must be some kind of Joy.  A while back I was contemplating the fact that Jesus leaving Heaven wasn't so much a sacrifice, but a joy.  Which led to me wondering if I'd have the same willingness to go into discomfort. 

Running on the same thought of Jesus leaving Heaven being considered a joy, I can't overlook what the joy was.  We are His joy.  In this passage, the joy was us.  Every human that God created for His Son was the reward for Jesus pouring out His blood and His life.

Of course I've learned this as a child in church, but so much of my faith I just took as truth without examining what it really meant for my life.  If I really sit and think on this thought,  I was the only thing that encouraged His endurance of the cross, my face flashed in His mind and all the pain He felt became tolerable and worth it all, because it is what had to happen for Him to spend eternity with me.  I was the Joy set before Him.  It was all for me.  In my quest to find the true romance with my Savior, this is a cornerstone to finding His heart.  To truly know this was His thought, and the depth of His love for me. 

If I was the joy set before Him, I will make Him the joy set before me.  As I go through this life, every trial, every painful situation, I will remember His heart for me.  The hope of eternal Joy, knowing that every day, every breath is a chance to share the hope and the love, and the romance that my Jesus has for us.  He wants to be our Joy.

Friday, December 3, 2010

His Quiet Whispers

Its been a few days since I've really felt God's voice pour into my heart.  I've been praying for some discernment and clear directions for the near future.  I only want to move when He asks me to, so here I wait. 

I was reading in Ephesians the other day and came across chapter 1 verse 17 and 18, it says: 
17 I keep asking that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father, may give you the Spirit[a] of wisdom and revelation, so that you may know him better. 18 I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which he has called you, the riches of his glorious inheritance in his holy people. 

Since I came across this on Monday, I've been praying it and expecting to hear His voice.  But I know it may not be how I expect Him to speak.  I have to be careful not to let my human ideals fog over how God is wanting to move.  He doesn't always speak or move the way we expect Him to. 

As I've been waiting I'm realizing that His revelation doesn't have to be mind blowing.  Its the little things that will spark your heart to life.  Jesus knew that I was praying for clear direction and He lead me straight to the Book, Chapter, and Verse to pray.  This is His voice speaking to me, not exactly the way I thought He would, but He is still speaking, and I'm still listening.