Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Extraodinary Worship

So much of my time feels wasted.  I feel like I could do so much more for God if I only had more time to work with.  I spend so much time doing laundry, dishes, cooking, and daily tasks, that I rarely have time to just sit with Him, and to marvel at His beauty.  I find myself longing to be in His presence, and upset when my days become busier then I'd like. 

My life feels vaguely ordinary, what am I doing different than the "world"?  Every parenting magazine gives you pointers on how to care and discipline your child better, every home magazine tells you how to cook a better meal, how to get a deeper clean, or even how to "love your man."  If these are all the things the world is already doing, that the world is teaching, how is my life any different? 

I came upon a revelation over the last week; Nothing is ordinary when you are doing it for God.  Matthew 10:42 says: And if anyone gives even a cup of cold water to one of these little ones who is my disciple, truly I tell you, that person will certainly not lose their reward.”

Everything I do is an opportunity for worship, as long as I am doing it unto the Lord. That is what sets me apart from the world, its the nature of the worker, the intent of my spirit that makes all the difference.

It is critical that I maintain my time with God, this encourages my spirit to continue on this journey. These times of worship with God are easy to see as worship, and so much easier to feel His presence. But it is imperative that I see every moment of my life as an opportunity to bless others, to move in the spirit, and at the same time, bless the Lord.

I'm so excited to be able to have this new revelation. I pray that I become more sensitive to His voice, so that I can go out into my world and bless others, to say kind words, to seize every moment, and to take His spirit with. Whether I'm doing laundry, mopping floors, smiling at the cashier at the store, or laying hands on the sick.

Its time we begin seeing our whole life as a ministry, and not just our acts of worship in "church" or in our private time with God. This has certainly opened up a whole new reality to me.

1 comment:

  1. what you said here "Everything I do is an opportunity for worship, as long as I am doing it unto the Lord" is ABSOLUTELY key.
    After I first had Audrey, I felt how you did... so much of my time was taken up with household daily tasks that I felt I didn't have enough time with God. Although it IS important to be able to get time alone just focusing on Him, we also need to keep in mind that EVERY single thing we do during the day, we can do for God and worshiping Him. The verse that I used back then and still remind myself of today is "In all you do, do it as unto the Lord, not unto men"... when I washed dishes, I was doing it for God and while I was washing I was singing a song of praise or praying in the spirit. We have a choice to worship Him in all we do, which is SO awesome!
