I was doing my dishes last week and began a conversation with Jesus. Okay, I was really just complaining. "I can't do it!" I railed, "I'm tired, I don't want to do it anymore, How am I supposed to live like you did!!!!". He replied "I know how you feel, I was here too and felt everything you do." That gave me no comfort, to which I replied "No! Its not the same, you are THE SON OF GOD!" I closed my ears, and that quickly ended the conversation.
Its awesome that God gives us a choice, He will never force Himself on us, but can you imagine what it must be like for Him to watch us sometimes? In my whiny, fleshly fits, I can't hear Him clearly and I find myself weak and without the power and authority I need to live and to show the Glory of God in and to this world.
Thankfully, I'm coming into a revelation that will change the way I think and the very essence of my life. Jesus was right when He told me He knows everything I feel. He choose to live here as a man, with all the same limitations and difficulties that we have and experienced far before I ever did.
Hebrews 4:15-16
15For we do not have (A)a high priest who cannot sympathize with our weaknesses, but One who has been (B)tempted in all things as we are, yet (C)without sin.
16Therefore let us (D)draw near with (E)confidence to the throne of grace, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need.
Jesus did everything on this earth as a man, not as God. We were told we would do greater things than HE did, if Jesus had lived His life on earth as God, we would never be able to obtain that status. If He is our example, and we are to live out our lives like He did, why then, do I still feel like its impossible? This goes far beyond the miracles He performed. This is about walking hand in hand with the Holy Spirit. Completley intuned with the will of Heaven. Every word, every sermon, every demon cast, every heart healed, was simply because He was living solely by the Spirit.
Bill Johnson says there are two distinctions in Jesus' humanity. "One, He was not separated from God by sin, and two, He was completely dependant on the power of the Holy Spirit working through Him." He only did what God called Him to do, He was solely led by the Holy spirit. We can address the first issue easily. We are no longer separated by sin because of the sacrifice Jesus has already freely given. He paid the price, there is nothing left in between us and God. The Glory of God is inhabited in us. So the only other question is, "How dependant on the Holy Spirit are we willing to live?"
With this in mind, then why do I feel its impossible? I'm looking through my flesh, and not through the spirit. If I plan on doing anything that Jesus was able to accomplish, I must be completely abandoned to the work of the Holy Spirit. My flesh must be quiet, and God must be the first one I seek. There is a song by Jesus Culture (Where You Go, I Go), this is the song of my heart. To go where Jesus leads, just as He was lead.
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