Monday, May 2, 2011

My Take on All of This

The is no doubt countless blogs, facebook posts, and twitter updates going out today praising the efforts of American intelligence, and the American Military, it is all well deserved.  Surely there will be varying opinion for every response and emotion, all over the spectrum; from joy in justice, to sorrow in a lost soul -no one can tell you your feelings are wrong.  Let us also not forget who destines the last breath of every being, and the one who gifts us discernment and wisdom to put every play into action.  Every knowledge is a gift from God.  There are things He keeps hidden until the right time.  I fully believe America had every capability to take Osama Bin Laden much sooner, but for reasons that escape me, and I'm not privy to, it was not time until now.

I rejoice in the justice that has been served to so many of the hurting Americans, and victims around the world, who have suffered at the hands of this devious man.  Yet in the same moment, I do not rejoice in another soul that has met Hell, there is no rejoicing in the fact that my enemy has suffered, but instead I rejoice that no more will suffer by my enemies hands.

Psalm 50:6
And the heavens proclaim his righteousness,
   for he is a God of justice.

Ezek 33:10
I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked, but that the wicked turn from his ways and live.

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