Thursday, March 31, 2011

Accusation: The Mother of all Conflict

As mothers, we tend to grade ourselves based on what others can accomplish(idenity is always based on who you are in relation to others), forgetting easily, that we are not the same people, and do not have the same families. I have these grand plans to execute all homemade meals, snacks, soap, ect, be the true frontier woman of the 1800’s. That was, after all, my dream all the years of my youth. But then when I try to put that into practice in our modern world, of public schools, church involvment, and coutless other distractions, (non of them bad mind you); I find myself run too thin, laying on the couch with a bag of ice on my back. Yes, some women are able to accomplish this…. and more. I’m left scratching my head, wondering how? This must mean I’m failing.

I have heard over and over again, that we must do what works for us and our families. Unfortunatley, while getting new ideas that might work for me(everyone wants to find an easier out, and a better way to do anything), it is all too easy to read too much of too many moms we look up to and regard with respect. We tend to only see what they can do, and fail to notice the things they can’t. We tend to judge our weaknesses on the strenghts of others,( setting us up for absolute failure). Who would want to broadcast their faults? I don't like to either. It makes us vulnerable, showing the world our true selves and becoming more honest then is comfortable, and maybe even possibly meaning that we are in fact failing(acording to O or Parents magazine) *gasp!*.

This is a perfect crack in our humanity for the devil to sneak in and begin accusations. I’m telling you this out of a battle has been raging in my own heart for the last month, or maybe even more. I began seeing all of these other moms who, in my mind, did everything right. They must never yell at their kids, look how sweet they are. I’m sure their kids never sas back, they are so sweet too. I’m sure their kids eat all their vegtables at every meal, never argue, never smell, never, never never. You just know they can do all the things you can’t seem to make work in your own home. The devil is prmoting all this propaganda like Nazi Germany. All the while, the people you used to admire are beomming increasingly irritating. After a while you find yourself hating how you feel, and not knowing why or what you can do about it.

At least, when you get to this point, most of us will turn to God. I didn’t go there at the first hint of inferiority. That would have been too easy, or maybe I didn’t even notice it as that, it was mostl likely disguised as humility and then perverted into lowliness and insignificance. This is an easy transition that can happen slowly, or in an instant.  But almost always without us even noticing.

Ephesians 6:11-12 Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.

When we go to God, He can then begin to reveal our true heart, and the truth in any situation. He is able to reveal the true enemy and exactly where he has encamped. Accusation can happen in any area of anyone’s life. Work, school, church, in my case, it was mothering. The source of any pride and satisfaction I have in my life. But, the devil doesn’t see everything and can never wage a battle against me when I have God fighting with me. Now to put on that armor…..

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Stop Talking, Start Worshiping

There was a point in my life group class last nigh that I became very tired of talking.  It wasn't that I didn't want to teach or learn about God anymore, but it didn't feel like we were getting anywhere, we were just filling time.  I want my every moment to be filled with purpose.  I wish I would have taken this leading to the next step and did what I felt I should have.  Worship. 

I pray to much, I talk to much, I make this relationship with God far more complex than it needs to be.  No words or theories from man will solve or fix my problems, only true worship for my God will quiet my soul and rest my heart and mind. 

So, ironically, here I am again, spouting from my mouth all my human wisdom.  And yet, I really know nothing but the love my God has for me, and even this concept is so abstract to me.  I have no "fix" for our problems in this life, I have no idea how to be the perfect parent, how to fend off troubles in marriage, or how to even balance all the things that come my way everyday. 

But I do know that I desire to know my God deeper, and to search Him out.  I have all the hope and confidence that a human can possibly have, that He will be faithful and quite my soul and He will guide me through everything.  I want so much more of my time to be consulting Him, just gazing on Him, and worshiping Him and reading His Word, instead of the latest wisdom from men(even the latest Christian Books).  I believe that God uses books and other various teachings as well, but I know He will also have exactly what I need exactly when I need it, and I can hear it straight from Him.

I don't want to be caught up in learning from books, sermons, and life groups, that I forget to learn straight from HIS mouth.  He has so much for me if I just take the time to search it out. 

Lord, forgive me for trying to find you in other places, you are always with me, in me, the glory and only goodness I have is You.  Help me to look towards you, and quiet my mouth when I just need to worship.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Biblical Servant Hood -Part 4- Servant vs. Slave

Phil 2:17 But even if I am being poured out like a drink offering on the sacrifice and service coming from your faith, I am glad and rejoice with all of you.

 "Consider the perspective of a slave. A slave sees all of life from the viewpoint of slavery. He does not see himself as possessing the same rights as free men and women. Please understand me, when this slavery is involuntary it is cruel and dehumanizing. When the slavery is freely chosen, however, everything is changed. Voluntary servitude is a great joy.  -Richard Foster:

I do not want to posses the same rights as the world, I have no desire to be drunk, or to lust over other men, or to covet my neighbors possessions.  We, all humans, have all been given free will, and with that, the choice to do what we want with our life.  I have chosen to become a slave to Christ, not to man nor of my flesh.  I have voluntarily sold myself to Jesus, and my only desire is to do as He asks.  I do not look back at my worldly life as a loss, but I instead look at my future with Jesus in great joy, hope, and excitement.  There was nothing for me in my old life, but I know that while serving Jesus He will treat me like royalty, even as I am a slave.

"The image of slavery may be difficult for us, but it was not hard for the apostle Paul. He frequently boasted of his slavery to Christ, making lavish use of the first-century concept of the "love slave" (that is, the slave who, out of love, has freely chosen to remain a slave). We do our best to soften Paul's language by translating the word "slave" as "servant." But whatever word we decide to use, let us be certain that we understand that Paul meant he had freely given up his rights." -unknown

It is hard for us to look at the term slave beyond our 1700's history in the United States, but there is more to being a slave than beatings and mistreatment.  The type of slavery we, as Christians, sell ourselves into is one of love.  We want to be slaves to a master that treats us so well.  We are always protected, cared for, and given much more than we deserve.  Who wouldn't want to be sold out to that?

Acts However, I consider my life worth nothing to me; my only aim is to finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me—the task of testifying to the good news of God’s grace.

Our life apart from God will give us nothing to satisfy our souls, therefore, it is worth nothing.  Desire brings value, and if we no longer desire things of this world, it is then worth nothing to us.  Instead we only want to do what pleases our father.    Its another perfect example of being purposed, our aim should be to complete the task Jesus gives us.  John 8:29 says "I do only those things which please the father".  This is straight from Jesus' mouth, we should follow His example to want to please His Father, and to only do what He has requested us to.

  "Therefore, the fear that we will be taken advantage of and stepped on is justified. That is exactly what may happen. But who can hurt someone who has freely chosen to be stepped on? Thomas A. Kempis instructs us to be 'so subject that all men may go over thee and tread upon thee as upon mire of the street.'" -unknown

Now, with the vision of slavery as mistreatment, it is easy for us to distort our position as slaves for Christ.  He does not call for us to be taken advantage of, for you to feel like you must answer every cry and call for help.  There is an army of believers in the church who must all take their part and share the burden.  God may call you to serve in one area, and not in another, and that is okay.  As  long as you are serving as it pleases Him.  This is not an excuse for anyone to tell you that you must serve until you have nothing left.

On the other hand, our definition of "being taken advantage of" may be completely different than someone else's.  I have the sweetest older couple that lives next door to me.  My husband and I love to help them when we can, we will spontaneously mow, rake, and remove snow for them, with no desire for payment.  She feels like she is taking advantage of us, and will offer money and almost beg for us to take it.  Sometimes we do, just so she can sleep at night, but to us, this is a free act of kindness. In this instance, I am willing to be taken advantage of because I find so much joy in doing so. 

With everything in life there is a balance.  God is the only one who can direct and guide your service.  As long as you are asking Him where He wants you to go, and what He wants you to do, you will be a Biblical Servant.

Happy Serving.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Biblical Servant Hood -Part 3- Serving With Purpose

  "A natural and understandable hesitancy accompanies any serious discussion of service. The hesitancy is prudent since it is wise to count the cost before plunging headlong into any Discipline. We experience a fear that comes out something like this: "If I do that, people will take advantage of me; they will walk all over me." -Richard Foster

 "Right here we must see the difference between choosing to serve and choosing to be a servant. When we chose to serve, we are still in charge. We decide whom we will serve and when we will serve. And if we are in charge, we will worry a great deal about anyone stepping on us, or that are taking charge over us. But when we choose to be a servant, we give up the right to be in charge. There is great freedom in this. If we voluntarily choose to be taken advantage of, then we cannot be manipulated. When we choose to be a servant, we surrender the right to decide when we will serve. We become available and vulnerable.    unknown

There is a difference in being a servant and choosing to serve.  We must not pick and choose, but instead let God lead us in our acts.  But I do not believe that by being a servant, we should line up to voluntarily to be taken advantage of(more on this concept in part 4).  Our serving must be with purpose.  We need to hear God’s call in every area and in everything we do.  Yes, we surrender all our rights to choose what we do and when we do it, but we need to make sure it is God, and not guilt that is driving us to serve.

I’ve seen countless members of the church fall away because of pure exhaustion, feeling like they must answer EVERY call they receive.  This is not purposed servant hood, smart serving, or required by God.  We need to remember that we must rest and God expects it.

Rom 15:1-3 As for us who are strong, our duty is to bear with the weaknesses of those who are not strong, and not seek our own pleasure. Let each of us endeavor to please his fellow Christian, aiming at a blessing calculated to build him up. For even the Christ did not seek His own pleasure...

Gal 5:13...But through love be servants of one another.

Gal 6:9-10 Let us not grow tired of doing good, for, unless we throw in our hand, the ultimate harvest is assured. Let us then do good to all men as opportunity offers, especially to those who belong to the Christian household.

Here in Romans it even says we must be calculated, to make sure that everything we do is for building up others.  We are not aimlessly serving at every whim, but we are serving to build each other's strength and spirits.  We will undoubtedly become tired, we are spiritual creatures with physical limits, but if at the point of exhaustion we throw in the towel, then all the work we have done is lost, and you will not see the rewards for all the hard work you have already exerted.  That is why we are serving each other and why it is so important that we do.  We need to be willing to help out the tired, to encourage and strengthen. 

In Church bodies it is common that a small percentage of people do all of the work.  This will make for tired workers, who can easily become burnt out and may even begin to serve out of obligation instead of love.  If all of us began to serve as Christ as instructed, just imagine how much more we could accomplish, and we would never tire!

Biblical Servant Hood Part 2 -Serving Christ in Love

 "I belong to Jesus. He must have the right to use me without consulting me." -Mother Teresa

Well, that about sums it up doesn't it?  We must be willing to serve when and where Jesus asks us to, He doesn't need to ask us what is on our agenda for the day, or what we'd rather do.  He already knows our strengths and our weaknesses, He knows what we can and can not handle, but do we?

Hebrews 12:28 Let us therefore, receiving a kingdom that is firm and stable and cannot be shaken, offer to God pleasing service and acceptable worship, with modesty and pious care and godly fear and awe

Rom 12:9-13 Love must be completely sincere. Hate what is evil, hold on to what is good. Love one another warmly as brothers in Christ, and be eager to show respect for one another. Work hard, and do not be lazy. Serve the Lord with a heart full of devotion. Let your hope keep you joyful, be patient in your troubles, and pray at all times. Share your belongings with your needy brothers, and open your homes to strangers.

We should serve out of a love for Christ.  God wants lovers who serve from a heart that overflows, not out of resentful obligation or fear that He will strike us down if we don’t obey.  We must act out of love not religion.  It is not by acts that we are saved, but only by grace.  Nothing we do will grow His love for us anymore than what He has already offered.  Serving should strictly come from a desire to please God. 

Proverbs    17Better is a dish of vegetables where love is
                        Than a fattened ox served with hatred.

This may seem like a strange verse to pair with serving, but everything comes down to intentions.  God doesn’t want us to serve out of a fearful obligation, or out of a guilty conscience, He wants us to serve out of a desire and passion to treat the others the way he treats us.  “Lovers” will out serve “doers” every time.  I'd much rather serve with "ordinary" people who love, then a "fascinating" person with a horrible attitude.

Last Sunday  my Pastor said "some of the most miserable people he knew were the ones who felt guilty about not giving, but resentful when they did."  This can be the same way with serving.  If you are feeling resentful about something you’ve been asked to do, its better to not do it at all.  What kind of service will that bring, will that really bless anyone?  Most likely not, you are a warm body filling a need out of obligation.  That isn't servant hood.

There is a man at my church named Dennis.  Dennis is the epetemy of loving service.  He goes where they tell him, and always with a smile.  It’s far more than I can say for myself.  If I’m unhappy with an arrangement, I will, unfortunately, let it show.  If I didn’t want to do it, or if God hasn’t given me the okay, or the purpose for it, then I shouldn’t do it out of the flesh or out of guilt.  Now, this isn’t an excuse to never serve our church body.  It would be easy to say “That’s not my gift”, or “God hasn’t called me there.”  We can over use those excuses.

Galatians 5:13-14  13For you were called to freedom, brethren; only do not turn your freedom into an opportunity for the flesh, but through love serve one another.  14For the whole Law is fulfilled in one word, in the statement, “YOU SHALL LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOR AS YOURSELF."

Biblical Servant Hood Part 1 - Serving Self -

You can tell I have a lot to say when it starts out "Part 1."  This is mostly because I'm preaching to myself.  The idea of being a servant is almost a romantic idea in the church, as long as you have control over it.  But we aren't the ones who are supposed to have control over anything. And as God is leading me towards truth, the romance is melting and my flesh is screaming. 

“Self-righteous service picks and chooses whom to serve. Sometimes the low and defenseless are served because that will ensure a humble image. True service is indiscriminate in its ministry. It has heard the command of Jesus... "-unknown

Phil 2:1-4 Now if you have known anything of Christ's encouragement and of his reassuring love; if you have known something of the fellowship of his Spirit, and of compassion and deep sympathy, do make my joy complete--live together in harmony, live together in love, as though you had only one mind and spirit between you. Never act from motives of rivalry or personal vanity, but in humility think more of each other than you do of yourselves. None of you should think only of his own affairs, but consider other people's interests also.

Phil 2:3-4  Don't do anything from selfish ambition, or from a cheap desire to boast; but be humble towards each other, never thinking you are better than others. And look out for each other's interests, not just for your own.
 "Nothing disciplines the inordinate desires of the flesh like service, and nothing transforms the desires of the flesh like serving in hiding. The flesh whines against service but screams against hidden service. It strains and pulls for honor and recognition. It will devise subtle, religiously acceptable means to call attention to the service rendered. If we stoutly refuse to give in to this lust of the flesh, we crucify it. Every time we crucify the flesh, we crucify pride and arrogance." -Richard Foster

Remember there is nothing wrong with wanting to be great; we just need to remember the time frame in which we will obtain greatness.  And if we do get greatness on this Earth, we must remind ourselves the point of that greatness, is only to glorify God.  Everything in this life should point others to God, our helper and our only reason for greatness in the first place. 

You know you are serving yourself if you only serve when its comfortable or convenient for you, if its something that isn't a sacrifice for you.  If you only serve out of a motive of recognition or reward, that's self serving.  If you aren't serving with an attitude of love like Jesus would have, again, that is only serving yourself.  Pretty much, if I'm getting more out of it then the one I'm "serving", its probably not the Biblical servant hood that I'm searching for.

 I'm not preaching at you, I'm still preaching to myself, but I thought I'd let you in on my conversation with myself.  This isn't an idea that is easy for us humans.  No one wants to be uncomfortable or required to do more then they think they can handle.  But we are called to run this race to win, and every runner needs to stretch before they run.  No, stretching doesn't always feel good, but the freedom of movement you get after loosening those muscles is always worth it!

Come along and read more in Part 2 -Serving Christ and Serving in Love-

Thursday, March 10, 2011

The Only Greatness Worth Having

We all have great ambitions.  We all want to feel we have accomplished something of value.  There is a drive in each of us to leave a legacy of some kind.  We might initially measure our greatness by the world’s point of view, or what the world sees as worthy aspiration.  So then, if my position is small or humble it might be easy to declare my life a waste or unsuccessful. 

So many of us in the world today strive their entire lives to bring upon themselves a certain status, or self fulfilled title as a way to reach the "ultimate self".  There is a big push to "be the best self you can be" or to find "a new awareness of yourself"; this might make sense if this was the only world I were to live in.  Luckily, it is not. 

I have seen myself as a seeker of the great.  We all desire to hear others speak of our own greatness.  Who doesn’t like accolades over what you have accomplished?  I've found myself wanting to write great things, so that I might be lifted up.  Although it’s not wrong to desire greatness, this is after all a trait that God Himself instilled into us, but it is wrong to be self seeking.  There is a great danger in being successful on your own terms. 

Jesus said it is difficult for the rich to enter the kingdom. (Matthew  (New International Version, ©2011)24 Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of God.”) Why? Not because wealth or money is bad, but because they have so much of themselves invested into this life, into their treasures here, it’s harder to let go of those things, the things you put your blood, sweat, and tears into, in order to pursue your assignment in the next stage, eternity.  There is a song out there by Lecrae that says “‘cause if I do it by myself I'm scared that I'll succeed, and no longer trust in you, I'll only trust in me."  When you are successful by your own terms, you feel like you can tackle this on your own, not looking for your eternal assignment.  Why would you if this one is working out so well for you?

It is futile to bring about ultimate greatness in this life.  Are we not living to see the ultimate crown, the crown that Jesus will bestow upon us in the next life?  As much as I love to hear how God is blessing others through my writings or my life, I would gladly forgo greatness on this Earth, so I could obtain true greatness and acclaim from God.  Mike Bickle writes, "I am no different than the rest of the world in my longing to be great.  I'm just determined to focus on seeking it in a different time frame."

I remember hearing as a kid that what you do on this Earth will some how pass over into eternity as some sort of a payment for how well you lived your life.  It felt like some kind of reward chart, a way to get us to do what our parents wanted us to, without them having to dole out any prizes now.  Sounds convenient anyway, and I have to admit, I’m very tempted to use it on my own kids.

But I’m realizing now, as much as this life is a chance to “store up our reward in Heaven” (Matthew ), it’s also a training ground for what our next mission in eternity will be.  God never appoints us to anything without providing a process of preparation.

  I always thought my “job” would be over as soon as I die.  Heaven will be my vacation.  Have you ever heard anyone say, “I’ll sleep when I’m dead?”  Yes, Heaven will be wonderful, you won’t be stresses, sad, in pain, or tired, but I really don’t think we’ll be sitting around playing harps for a billion years either. 

Did you realize we will be Kings in Heaven? (Revelation You have made them to be a kingdom and priests to serve our God, and they will reign on the earth.”)  You are set to rule aside the Maker of the Universe!  There might be a few things that need to be taken care of.  Not to mention the fact that we will need to prepare ourselves for the millennial reign.  A thousand years of God’s government reigning on this Earth, and God has given us this chance to train for it, here and now! 

Matthew 18:4 Whoever then humbles himself as this child, he is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.

Most of our first jobs are positions no one else wants to fill, the drive thru window at McDonalds, the cashier at Wal-Mart, the college kid taking out the garbage at the gas station.  We start on the bottom in an ambition to work our way to the top.  We pray this isn’t all our future holds and hope for greatness in the future.

This is much the same way this entire life should play out for us as Christians.  We lower ourselves to take the positions that no one else wants to fill.  We become servant minded, doing the little, the dirty, the thankless, in order to get greatness in our next position.  We humble ourselves, we are not above any work that the Lord may call us to. 

There is much to learn in a “lower” or “servant-minded” position.  First off, I have much less to loose than someone who has an impressive ministry or position, so I’m willing to take more risks when God asks me to.  Or if I do have a large ministry, and if I’m still servant minded, I already know that it’s not mine to loose.  I didn’t create any of it, but it was all from God.  It’s not as hard to get rid of something if you didn’t pay for it.   If my position is “little and unseen” I won’t be tempted to do it for Earthly recognition, but truly unto the Lord.  And it will undoubtedly create an endurance through difficulties and meekness that is not obtainable when you already have it all. 

Meekness:  enduring injury with patience and without resentment 

“The measure to what we develop in love, meekness, and revelation during our lives now determines our positions and functions in God’s government to come and for all eternity.  Our ministries in the age to come have nothing to do with how much we accomplish outwardly in this age, but rather how much we develop inwardly, there exists a dynamic continuity between our lives now and what happens to us in the next age. “  -Mike Bickle 

With the exception of Pam on the Office(she walked into work one day and told Gabe[her boss] she was hired as the building manager, there was no such position, but she made it up and took it), very few of us walk through the doors of a company and tell the boss what position we are taking.  God doesn’t work that way either.  We don’t go before the thrown and start demanding greatness or positions of authority or power.  Those titles and jobs are given.  They are bestowed upon us when He sees we are ready, not when we think we are ready.  God is the only one who knows our hearts and our intention, He may give you greatness in this life, but it is a temporal greatness that is easily lost, stolen, or taken away.  People(mostly the world) will gladly take your great position at the very first chance they see you loosing grasp of it.  The highest positions, the ones that will last will be handed out to all of us in the next stage, the millennial reign, and as kings and queens in Heaven.

I would love nothing more than to jump into full time writing and ministry.  Ever since I was in first grade, I knew I wanted to be a writer, and look, its taken me 24 years to start a blog.  But I have to be offered the next position, and I know that right now is not the right time.  God has me doing other assignments, which are just as important.  He has called me, but He has also said, not quite yet.  I’ll just keep waiting and listening for Him to call me out, and until then, I’ll prepare for the next step.

So use this time wisely, learn, and train for the position that will really matter and the position that will really last.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Glory Inhabited

I think I have read these verses about 60 times over the last week.  Its one of those sections that you can easily scan over and get the idea, but it takes a little longer to get the full volume of what it really means.

John 17
20 “My prayer is not for them alone. I pray also for those who will believe in me through their message, 21 that all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you. May they also be in us so that the world may believe that you have sent me. 22 I have given them the glory that you gave me, that they may be one as we are one— 23 I in them and you in me—so that they may be brought to complete unity. Then the world will know that you sent me and have loved them even as you have loved me.
   24 “Father, I want those you have given me to be with me where I am, and to see my glory, the glory you have given me because you loved me before the creation of the world.
   25 “Righteous Father, though the world does not know you, I know you, and they know that you have sent me. 26 I have made you[a] known to them, and will continue to make you known in order that the love you have for me may be in them and that I myself may be in them.”

These verses are truly incredible.  First Jesus is praying for unity among His believers, something that we can all agree we need and desire.  But what He has invited us to is even more astonishing. 

He is inviting us to see and feel things the same way He does.  He is inviting us to be inhabited by the same glory He is inhabited with, to sit next to Him on His thrown. We will never be equals(Philippians 2:66who, although He existed in the form of God, did not regard equality with God a thing to be grasped),but we will exist with Him, we will be married in the age to come.  We will then be equally yoked.

No being in Heaven is currently able to reign with Him like that.  Every other being worships around the thrown, they bow before Him, the seraphim rise and fall singing of His Glory and Beauty.  They actually sing "trancendent beauty" over and over as they are overwhelmed by His presence.(Revelations 4:8-11)  But God invites us closer, to be in Him, as Jesus is in Him(verse 22)!  “In Hebrews it says how we will walk as a bride, in a newly acquired ownership in relation to everything her bridegroom possesses.  Time and time again the Bible tells us we actually become partakers in God’s glory.” (Verse 22)-Mike Bickle’s ‘Seven Longings of the Human Heart.’

Hebrews 2:7 and 10
10For it was fitting for Him, for whom are all things, and through whom are all things, in bringing many sons to glory, to perfect the author of their salvation through sufferings.

This is a concept that hits me in waves. I am completely overwhelmed; He is willing to give everything He has; all His beauty, wisdom, love, and even all His glory, with no real cost from me.(Romans 8:18 For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory that is to be revealed to us.) I have done nothing to deserve such treatment, my value seems so little. But desire brings value, His desire is for me, and He will give me everything He has. It’s His desire for us, not just mine, to share in everything He has. That’s why he created us, to share in the joy and things He possesses.

We will have the capacity to love more as we are empowered with holy affections for God and others. The love of God will be poured out in our hearts by the Holy Spirit. (Romans 5:5 and hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out within our hearts through the Holy Spirit who was given to us.) The very love with which the father loved Jesus will be in us. (John 17:26) We will love to a degree that goes far beyond anything we can presently imagine.

Shakina Glory is the very presence of God, the indwelling of His spirit. His Presence appeared to various individuals, sometimes in the Person of the Angel of the Lord. He was seen in the Burning Bush by Moses, then in the Fire by night and the Cloud by day to the children of Israel. He dwelt in the Ark of the Covenant, and inhabited the Temple with His Glory after the dedication offered up by Solomon II Chron.7:1,2. He dwelt among men in Christ fully and bodily, and now dwells in us by the Holy Spirit.

We will have sips and tastes of this kind of unity with Jesus on this Earth, but it won’t be completely fulfilled until we are in heaven with Him.  I love the fact that He allows us to taste of Him, like we talked of David’s life long pursuit was to get one more glimpse of God, I also thirst of God presence.  Its like an energy drink that allows me to keep going until He will be poured out in full measure when we are united in Heaven.