As mothers, we tend to grade ourselves based on what others can accomplish(idenity is always based on who you are in relation to others), forgetting easily, that we are not the same people, and do not have the same families. I have these grand plans to execute all homemade meals, snacks, soap, ect, be the true frontier woman of the 1800’s. That was, after all, my dream all the years of my youth. But then when I try to put that into practice in our modern world, of public schools, church involvment, and coutless other distractions, (non of them bad mind you); I find myself run too thin, laying on the couch with a bag of ice on my back. Yes, some women are able to accomplish this…. and more. I’m left scratching my head, wondering how? This must mean I’m failing.
I have heard over and over again, that we must do what works for us and our families. Unfortunatley, while getting new ideas that might work for me(everyone wants to find an easier out, and a better way to do anything), it is all too easy to read too much of too many moms we look up to and regard with respect. We tend to only see what they can do, and fail to notice the things they can’t. We tend to judge our weaknesses on the strenghts of others,( setting us up for absolute failure). Who would want to broadcast their faults? I don't like to either. It makes us vulnerable, showing the world our true selves and becoming more honest then is comfortable, and maybe even possibly meaning that we are in fact failing(acording to O or Parents magazine) *gasp!*.
This is a perfect crack in our humanity for the devil to sneak in and begin accusations. I’m telling you this out of a battle has been raging in my own heart for the last month, or maybe even more. I began seeing all of these other moms who, in my mind, did everything right. They must never yell at their kids, look how sweet they are. I’m sure their kids never sas back, they are so sweet too. I’m sure their kids eat all their vegtables at every meal, never argue, never smell, never, never never. You just know they can do all the things you can’t seem to make work in your own home. The devil is prmoting all this propaganda like Nazi Germany. All the while, the people you used to admire are beomming increasingly irritating. After a while you find yourself hating how you feel, and not knowing why or what you can do about it.
At least, when you get to this point, most of us will turn to God. I didn’t go there at the first hint of inferiority. That would have been too easy, or maybe I didn’t even notice it as that, it was mostl likely disguised as humility and then perverted into lowliness and insignificance. This is an easy transition that can happen slowly, or in an instant. But almost always without us even noticing.
Ephesians 6:11-12 Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.
When we go to God, He can then begin to reveal our true heart, and the truth in any situation. He is able to reveal the true enemy and exactly where he has encamped. Accusation can happen in any area of anyone’s life. Work, school, church, in my case, it was mothering. The source of any pride and satisfaction I have in my life. But, the devil doesn’t see everything and can never wage a battle against me when I have God fighting with me. Now to put on that armor…..
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