Thursday, March 24, 2011

Stop Talking, Start Worshiping

There was a point in my life group class last nigh that I became very tired of talking.  It wasn't that I didn't want to teach or learn about God anymore, but it didn't feel like we were getting anywhere, we were just filling time.  I want my every moment to be filled with purpose.  I wish I would have taken this leading to the next step and did what I felt I should have.  Worship. 

I pray to much, I talk to much, I make this relationship with God far more complex than it needs to be.  No words or theories from man will solve or fix my problems, only true worship for my God will quiet my soul and rest my heart and mind. 

So, ironically, here I am again, spouting from my mouth all my human wisdom.  And yet, I really know nothing but the love my God has for me, and even this concept is so abstract to me.  I have no "fix" for our problems in this life, I have no idea how to be the perfect parent, how to fend off troubles in marriage, or how to even balance all the things that come my way everyday. 

But I do know that I desire to know my God deeper, and to search Him out.  I have all the hope and confidence that a human can possibly have, that He will be faithful and quite my soul and He will guide me through everything.  I want so much more of my time to be consulting Him, just gazing on Him, and worshiping Him and reading His Word, instead of the latest wisdom from men(even the latest Christian Books).  I believe that God uses books and other various teachings as well, but I know He will also have exactly what I need exactly when I need it, and I can hear it straight from Him.

I don't want to be caught up in learning from books, sermons, and life groups, that I forget to learn straight from HIS mouth.  He has so much for me if I just take the time to search it out. 

Lord, forgive me for trying to find you in other places, you are always with me, in me, the glory and only goodness I have is You.  Help me to look towards you, and quiet my mouth when I just need to worship.

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