Friday, November 26, 2010

Am I Really Willing?

As Christmas is coming upon us, I've been thinking about what a sacrifice it must have been for Jesus to leave his home in heaven.  Think about it, he was living in heaven with his father and adoring angels.  I can't wait to be there with all its glory, don't ask me to leave once I get there.  It was all he ever knew, and he left it all behind because his father asked him too. 

Two things strike me about this.  Would I be able to suffer as much if God asked me?  I would quickly reply "yes."  But then if I think about it, leave heaven?  Leave Heaven and go to a place where there is pain, where there is heartache, where there is evil, for me?  Would I be able to give as much to my father, or anyone else for that matter, if He asks?  Would I be willing to leave my life of comfort and go where He calls?  Its easy to be obedient to God when its comfortable or fits easily into our life, but what about when its not?  He calls us to be in the world, not of it.  The world tells us to stay safe, "don't rock the boat", this is false comfort and fleeting, but if we are willing to have the courage, to "capsize the boat",  to move with our Lord's leading we will have eternal comfort and rewards.

The second thing is, I believe Jesus wanted to leave heaven in pursuit for us.  God made us as a gift to Jesus,  his heart yearns for us.  To be here on this earth with those he loved, those he fought for, those he could save, was the only way we would be able to be with Him forever in Heaven.  He was willing to do anything for us to be with Him. 

If Jesus is to be my example, I need to be willing and I need to want to sacrifice everything I have.  I need to have courage.  Courage is being willing to loose your life in an attempt at finding it.  I need to be willing to loose everything I have on this earth to find life with Christ. 

That is a lot to take in and I know there are still things I hold to in fear.  I still want control over certain things.  Its hard when you know this world has evil and bad things happen to even us who are protected by the blood of Jesus.  Just look at Job.  But we need to give our fears over to the Lord and know he is fighting for us, his heart is good, and he works all things for good and for his glory.

I pray God that I have the courage I need to follow you.  Strengthen my soul, prepare my heart for your call.  Go before me and make the way.  I pray, Lord, that I do not go until you ask, I do not try to make my own way, but that I search for your true heart.  That my life would be yours, that I would be your instrument.  Take the fear of the unknown, let it instead be an adventure with the King of this Universe.

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