For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places.
We are at war from the day we are born, weather we ask for it or not. There is a force of evil, you may have heard of him. Satan is trying to disable you. You live in a world where evil exists, and in which God allows. But you are not made to just roll over and take it. God allows trouble into your life for one purpose. He wants you to fight. Christianity is not a passive religion! God wants you to learn how to grow strong in Him, how to stand firm in your faith, Isaiah 7:9 says "stand firm in your faith or you will not stand at all." When you are facing trials, this is a chance for you to learn to war in the spirit. Its a chance to stand up and fight, to take back what God has given you, to allow Jesus to push back the devourer, and to grow deep roots of faith. This makes us stronger and able to wield the weapons on others behalf, and take up the roles He created us to play.
Where is your battle? The battle is often in the strengths that God has given you. These may, for now, be your weakness because the devil too knows your strengths and weaknesses. If Satan can disable your strength, you will be disarmed and no longer a threat to him. Look deep, is it relational, emotional, situational? Don't just chalk it up to bad luck, depression, or your personality.
For me, I had always been hesitant to speak, and when I did, I'd replay the conversation for days afterward thinking of how I could have said things differently. This caused me to rarely speak, in fear of not saying the right thing. I didn't think I had anything to offer. God has opened my heart and has shown me I have much to offer, He created me with purpose. The devil had my tongue, and now my tongue is free to speak of the goodness of God. I am able to work in and through God's purpose for my life. I now pray that I have wisdom to share His heart and to bless others. It's not always easy being obedient, opening up my heart to the unknown and being vulnerable, but I know whose I am, and I know who I am in Christ. I have no fear that God is there, fighting each battle before I even begin.
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