Monday, November 29, 2010

Come Expecting

Matthew 21:22 When you pray expectantly, you are praying in faith. This means you believe God will answer before you ask.
Have you ever been on YouTube or been watching or listening a previously taped sermon and just feel the presence of God so thick it knocks you to your knees?  I know I'm not the only one.  His spirit is living!  Which is why the Bible still speaks so many generations later.  But I also believe it has to do with the receiver, you. 

In a single service there will be many different interpretations to how the spirit moves.  Where your heart is will make a great difference to the work that God is able to do in your heart.  Do you enter into His presence expectantly?  Do you have faith and know that He will answer your thirsty soul? 

ex·pect (k-spkt)

v. ex·pect·ed, ex·pect·ing, ex·pects  
a. To look forward to the probable occurrence or appearance of: expecting a telephone call; expects rain on Sunday.
b. To consider likely or certain: expect to see them soon. See Usage Note at anticipate.
2. To consider reasonable or due: We expect an apology.
3. To consider obligatory; require: The school expects its pupils to be on time.
4. Informal To presume; suppose.
1. To look forward to the birth of one's child. Used in progressive tenses: His sister is expecting in May.
2. To be pregnant. Used in progressive tenses: My wife is expecting again.

Synonyms: expect, anticipate, hope, await
Expectantly?  I put the meaning above; to look forward to the appearance or occurrence, to consider it likely.  Do you come before Christ expecting to receive His spirit, do you expect to see Him move?  Do you consider it likely?  This makes a huge difference on how you will see the works of God manifest in your life and how you see Him using you.  When I enter into worship knowing that He is going to show up, move me, knowing that I will feel His love, I can barley keep my feet on the ground.  There is an unspeakable joy in the anticipation in our Maker.  This is the thing I live for, communion with the Ruler of the Universe! 

Philippians 1:6  For I am confident of this very thing, whoever began a good work in you, will perfect it until the day of Christ Jesus.


1. having strong belief or full assurance; sure: confident of fulfillment.

Do you have the assurance that God will do what He says?  He keeps his promises, His promise is "yes" and "amen".  You have to say yes first for the Amen to come.  You have to be an obedient, expectant, and willing vessel for Him to complete the work that He has begun, and amazing revelation and joy (the Amen) will come!

2 Corinthians 1:20

For no matter how many promises God has made, they are “Yes” in Christ. And so through him the “Amen” is spoken by us to the glory of God.

Confidence and Expect have a common synonym, trust.  Trust that God will show His face and perfect the work He has started in you.  Expect Him to finish the good work.  For it is not for our glory, but for God's. 

Trust 1a : assured reliance on the character, ability, strength, or truth of someone or something b : one in which confidence is placed

I am assured of the Character of God, His strength, and his ability.  I know He can, He will, I expect, trust, and have all my confidence in Him.

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