Thursday, September 1, 2011

Idadequate by Choice

inadequate [ɪnˈædɪkwɪt]
1. not adequate; insufficient
2. not capable or competent; lacking

Be a centre for Jesus Christ to pour living water through. Stop being self-conscious, stop being a sanctified prig, and live the life hid with Christ. The life that is rightly related to God is as natural as breathing wherever it goes. The lives that have been of most blessing to you are those who were unconscious of it. -OC

I hear people say that we aren't doing "enough", and by all means if the Lord has called you to do something and you haven't, you better get your butt moving.  Enough can be a dangerous word for Christians, so in an attempt to fight off our lack of zeal, or fear of inadequacy, we do more. 

Its very important to see through which resource we are doing our "enough" or our "more."  Oswald Chambers says we are actually a better good when we have no idea we are even doing good.  As soon as we realize we have something to offer, or we are a use to God, we are immediately unusable.  Pride, and the fact that we may begin to think we may not need as much of God as we thought, can sever any good.

There are steps we must take to make ourselves available to God's works.  We have to help the hungry, the weak, the hurting, the Bible commands it, and the Holy Spirit is impressing it upon all our hearts.  Make sure you are not only doing what you are comfortable with just so you won't feel inadequate in your calling. 

There has never been a situation I felt more inadequate to play than mother.  If a woman wanted to do this thing right, she would need a psychology degree, a criminal justice degree, a law degree (for the arguments sake), an economics degree, and a few cooking classes couldn't hurt.  I've never dropped foot inside a college of any sort, so most days I feel like I'm not equipped to take play this role well. 

So if I so not have the adequate resources to perform this call of God, where do I turn?  To the only one who has supreme wisdom, peace, love, and guidance.   I will let Jesus pour out from me, and I will be content in my weakness, and trust the Lord that He is doing through me what I can not by myself.  And hopefully, I'm completely unaware that I'm even doing any good so that I will actually be a success. 

Grow strong in your weakness...My preference is for you to depend on Me continually, trusting Me to guide you and strengthen you as needed. This is how you grow strong in your weakness," -Jesus Calling.

In no way am I saying that we live lives of sorrow, with the feeling like we are failures, but we must have enough courage to fail.  We need to be able to take the risk of being inadequate so that our Lord can use that weakness to bless the world through our unconsciousness.

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