Sunday, July 22, 2012


Six months ago I was lead away from a place of comfort and family.  I was being drawn away from everything I've ever known to be.  A place where I was fed, a place where I had grown, a place where I thought I belonged.  It was easy place, a place where I had been stitched in and was not easily removed. 

If you ever find yourself in an easy place, just wait a few minutes and God will probably be asking you to move from there.  Easy doesn't make you grow, its comfortable, and requires little faith.  Its a great place for a little break, but vacation never lasts forever.  Well, its not supposed to. 

In January we were pulled from our home church.  People would ask why we left, and while we had a few reasons, we really didn't want to be quitters.  We are NOT quitters, but we felt like it was time to move.  So it was hard to give an answer when we ourselves didn't really understand.  I just kept telling them we had to. 

It was not a move of comfort, but obedience.  The threads that held us there had to be removed, it hurt, a lot.  I longed for the days of comfort and predictability, the relationships that wouldn't come as easy anymore. 

Since then we have been making a new home, but it was not easy.  I still desired the past, and like Lot's wife, I looked back -thankfully, I'm not a block of salt.  But I knew that what I once knew, wasn't there.  That space in time was gone, and it would not come back.  I had to trust that God would stitch me into a new place, a new family and that He had a plan and a place for us in this new season. 

Lewis and I both received assignments, we knew the work to be done.  I couldn't help it though, I still missed that past.  Even so, I did the job God called me to do.  I was sent to pray over my new home.  I began walking out my assignment, and any others that come my way.

The other day I was praying over the women of my Church, and I began to see faces pop up.  Some of the names I knew, others I did not.  As they faces came up, they were stitched to the other one previous, a specific placing for each woman.  This happened over and over until there was a beautiful crazy quilt of comfort, and warmth.  A safe place of family. 

Today at church, I was home.  I can say this is the first time I've felt that this is my home.  I have been stitched into my new family and I thank God that He didn't just leave me comfortable, but He saw that I could handle this.  He has shown me how much I am capable of, I have been able to step out in a new way, and I'm overwhelmed by the love of my Lord, and again "Home."

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