Thursday, July 19, 2012

Laid Down Lover

You can love us more in a moment
Than other lovers could in a lifetime
So we’re gonna go where no one’s gone before
We’re gonna do what no one’s done before
We will be laid-down lovers

( I suggest you soak in this for a while.  Steffany Frizzle knows how to lead  a soul to touch glory)

This keeps whirling and whirling around in my spirit.  It seems to be all I can sing, pray, and long for.  The revelation that one moment with Jesus could and will fill my life beyond anything I could ever have from anyone here; its enough to knock me to the floor.  I've sat on that thought for days.  First comes love, always. 

Through a deep love for Jesus arises a desire to go where He calls, likely uncharted territory.  He doesn't need you to copy someone else's ministry, He doesn't usually use the same method twice.  We are constantly going in a new direction.  We must have accountability, mentors, and support, but we can't get our road map from them, because we are not going where they have.  We are going and doing what no one has done before.  Each of us, a custom calling.

We will be laid down lover, caring more for others and our Christ than about our inconvenience, after all, Jesus loves us more in a moment than anyone could in a lifetime, this alone should draw us to follow at all costs. 

This afternoon I sat down with my Bible, turned our my beloved song for this season, and let my Bible fall open.  I don't often do this, but today I did.  I was taken to Ezekiel 34.  (Love me some old school prophets)  God was rebuking the shepherds(Church leaders) for not caring for the flock(the church body), but only for themselves.  They strengthened themselves, but let the weak be taken by the wolves.  God continues to reveal that He alone will rescue the weak, take them to lay down on the mountains among good grazing land, and will judge each shepherd according to their works. 

A shepherd should be a laid down lover, built in a character of sacrifice.  These shepherds were more concerned with their comfort than for those they were to protect, and even went so far as to use them for their own benefit.  God was pretty clear about how that made Him feel.  Read and see for yourself. 

Am I a laid down lover?  Sometimes, when its convenient, when the kids are cooperating, when I'm not tired, hungry, or irritated.  Hmm, maybe that's not quite right.  Paul asks us to be an example worthy of Jesus' sacrifice.  Something I've been working on for months, and will for a lifetime.  I want to be a laid down lover at all times.  ALL!  This will require me to maintain an attitude of worship, if I'm constantly pouring out from a place where I know Jesus' love for me, the "more in a moment" type of love, I should be able to lay down, and go where no one has before.


  1. Sarahm, thanks for your thoughts. I found Stephanie's version of this song recently and plan on trying it. But I couldn't figure out what she was saying at the end. When I searched the lyrics I found your site and explanation which I think is good. I agree with you that Stephanie has an amazing way of communicating God's Glory. But her songs also give me the impression that she is trying to express something that is ultimately inexpressible... something we will never completely get our arms around. Her songs are very nuptial. Some might have a problem with that but it seems very authentic to me. St Therese of Lisieux wrote love poetry to Jesus her lover which is very similar. Thanks again for your thoughts. Ave Maria.

  2. Thank you for your explanation. I also love this version. I wanna fall in love with Jesus to the level that He is my full and only satisfaction and nothing NOTHING else matters at all.. AT ALL
